whole site just links to google files - here, a collaborative google doc
web-design  websites 
october 2023
qubibi: A label by Kazumasa Teshigawara focused on Digital Art
web-design  websites 
october 2023
A Bra That Fits Calculator
From Reddit, I’m not liking the fit of my Cuup bras and I want to try something different
april 2023
/tiana's-room - Whereby
Had a meeting with tiana here, really liked the interface! Cozy and cute
april 2023
About - Works in Progress
Works in Progress is a new online magazine dedicated to sharing novel ideas and stories of progress, and features original writing from some of the most interesting thinkers in the world.
january 2022
Alternative Plots (Part 2) – Ingrid's Notes
SYMBOLIC JUXTAPOSITION PLOT (Also known as: Thematic Plot, Intellectual Plot, Anti-Plot, Existential Plot)

In the symbolic juxtaposition plot the reader should be prepared for a more intellectual experience. Instead of traditional cause-and-effect, this plot uses themes, ideas, images, and concepts to connect scenes and sequences with meaning. It’s a more argumentative plot development where X doesn’t cause Y, but X is in a symbolic relationship to Y.

Film Examples: Life in a Day, The Tree of Life, The Thin Red Line, Chunking Express, Waking Life.
Book Examples: Einstein’s Dreams (Lightman), Criss Cross (Perkins).
november 2021
Sunday Sites
This is a place to write code and socialize. Around one Sunday a month or so, we meet on Gather and write HTML for around two hours. Each session is guided by an in­struc­tion, for example: “Pick a song you like and make a site based on its title.” After two hours, we present our cre­ations and talk a little about how we made them. No prior coding experience is required – we help each other out.
web-design  design 
october 2021
The small web is beautiful
Summary: I believe that small websites are compelling aesthetically, but are also important to help us resist selling our souls to large tech companies. In this essay I present a vision for the “small web” as well as the small software and architectures that power it. Also, a bonus rant about microservices.
web-design  design 
october 2021
A whole new way to be together, apart.
A browser for you, your friends, and your community.
A place to co-create, co-work, or just hang out.
MakeSpace for all of the above.
october 2021
GT Maru – Typeface Specimen and License Purchase
GT Maru is an ode to rounded English characters found on signage across Japan. The typeface is the result of this design exploration into roundness — or maru — in the Latin alphabet. It combines the warmth and flow of sign painting with the mechanical quality of engraved letters.
design  wishlist  web-design  fonts 
october 2021
ね — NT
Nathan Taylor is an interactive designer & developer.
inspiration  design  portfolio  web-design 
october 2021
Meg! Lewis
Meg Lewis is a designer mixing comedy & performance to make the world a
happier place!
inspiration  web-design 
october 2021
Jack Davison
A minimal website with a landing page that clicks through 10 most recent photos. Beautiful photography.
photography  portfolio  inspiration 
october 2021
Resumé/CV on Behance
2 page, visual resume design
resume  inspiration 
july 2021
How to Land Your First Job in Tech – SuperLibrary – SuperHi
Useful information and step-by-step guide for a career pivot.
career  tech  design  web-design 
july 2021
Outline - Read & annotate without distractions
Outline is a free service for reading and annotating news articles. We remove the clutter so you can analyze and comment on the content.
march 2021
The social network you check once a week, on Sunday
digital-minimalism  digital-toolbox 
february 2021
Type Nine — The Enneagram Institute
Enneagram Nine with a One-Wing: "The Dreamer
january 2021
There's Too Much Damn Content, and Slick UX Design Is Making it Worse | | Eye on Design
Matthew Chalmers defines seamful design: “Some features that we designers usually categorize as infrastructure problems may, to users, be useful interactional features. Examples include the edges and gaps.. .Seamfulness is about taking account of these reminders of the finite and physical nature of digital media.” 
january 2021
Fruitful School
fruitful.school is an independently-run learning initiative for making “fruitful websites” founded in 2020 by laurel schwulst and john provencher.

🍊 fruitful.school is dedicated to exploring new ways of publishing together using the www.

🍊 for our winter 2021 workshop, participants will hang out and work together online to self-publish a piece to the www over the course of 6 weeks.
web-design  courses 
january 2021
Rank and File — Real Life
Seeing the shape of your ideas is not the same as having new ideas. Creating a too-comprehensive portrait of your own thoughts can amount to locking yourself into a labyrinth of your own preconceptions.
january 2021
Question: How do I avoid being overwhelmed by computers and the internet? – The Creative Independent
In short, rather than looking at the tools and thinking about what you can make, think about what you want to make, and choose the creative tools that seem best to take you there.
january 2021
Design Principles
Design Principles help teams with decision making. A few simple principles or constructive questions will guide your team towards making appropriate decisions.
web-design  toolkit 
january 2021
In the Age of Despair, Find Comfort on the ‘Slow Web’ | WIRED
This is an exercise in patience. It's all too easy to spend hours staring at YouTube as algorithmically generated recommendations feed more and more content into the queue. But to spend hours deliberately looking out a window—virtual or otherwise—is another thing entirely. It requires mental fortitude and endurance. A capacity for boredom. It challenges you to resist opening another tab, to avoid checking for notifications, and to merely observe the landscape before you.
digital-minimalism  slow-web 
january 2021
How to make research-driven art – The Creative Independent
research-driven art uses specific structures and a sense of purpose to constrain it. These constraints work much like a skeleton works: while they stabilize the practice just as a rib cage stabilizes a body, they do not define the entire practice, nor keep it from moving and flexing on its own.

as an artist, you’re not just limited to creating art objects. Instead, your art practice can manifest itself in many, many different ways. Think of your research as part of the artwork, not just as a means to an end, or as the discovery process for finding an ultimate answer. There’s so much richness and value in spending time researching, and the exploration of an idea can be a creative act in and of itself.
research  art 
january 2021
A charming conversation between you, a computer, and me – The Creative Independent
As software designers, we can use the interactivity of our medium to mirror the qualities of a good conversation.
january 2021
The Urgent Quest for Slower, Better News | The New Yorker
Most do not go online seeking the news; instead, they encounter it incidentally, on social media. They might get on their phones or computers to check for updates or messages from their friends, and, along the way, encounter a post from a news site. Few people sit down in the morning to read the print newspaper or make a point of watching the TV news in the evening. Instead, they are constantly “being touched, rubbed by the news,” Bockzkowski said. “It’s part of the environment.”
january 2021
Social Media Is Not Self-Expression – The New Inquiry
Becoming yourself is not a growth process but a surrender of possibilities that we learn to regard as egregious, unbecoming. "Being yourself" is inherently limiting.

The alternative would seem to be a sort of deep focus in isolation, in which one accepts the incompleteness that comes from being apart from an audience, that comes from not seeking final judgment on what one is doing and letting it remain ambiguous, open-ended, of the present moment and not assimilated to an archive of identity. To put that tritely: The best way to be yourself is to not be anybody in particular but to just be.

Nothing is better for protecting the status quo than convincing people that their problems are their own and are entirely their personal responsibility.
january 2021
The Life-Changing Magic of Zettelkasten — Bryan Lee
The only way we can drive personal innovation in our thoughts and ideas is by giving ourselves a specific place conducive to discovering interesting connections between what we may even categorize as trivial or mundane.

to read in every spare moment, and to read constantly, is more paralysing to the mind than constant manual work, which, at any rate, allows one to follow one’s own thoughts. - Arthur Schopenhauer on overconsumption
january 2021
How to go on an information diet - Ness Labs
And whenever you are reading or watching something, ask yourself a few questions. Why am I reading/watching this? Is this providing value to me? Is this the best use of my time?
productivity  digital-minimalism 
january 2021
A Better Way to Track Your Habits - YouTube
Tracking your habits is a great way to stick to them long-term - but classic habit tracking methods don't work for everyone. Today, I'll share a new, paper-based system for tracking your habits that solves several habit-tracking problems.
january 2021
The Strikethru System - Are You Wasting Time On A Bullet Journal? | by Chris Kyle | Medium
Brainstorm all your to-dos in The Dump section, Sort them into lists in The Vault Section, Plan any date specific tasks in The Calendar Section, Filter what you need to work on right now into The Live List, and finally strikethrough any task you’ve completed.
january 2021
Monkey Mind: Shifting the Habit of Feeling Distracted Throughout the Day - zen habits zen habits
In our daily lives, outside of meditation, we can create spaces like this … a space to write, a space to consider a complex problem, a space to dive deep into a project. Our minds will want to run, want to jump around, but we can just let the mind settle down within this space, giving it room to run around but nowhere to go. It will likely calm down after a bit.
productivity  minimalism 
january 2021
How To Edit Your Novel (Without Dying Or Setting Your Hair On Fire)
Editing is when you really build your novel. Editing is when you learn. Editing is when your words learn to mean more. Editing is when you set your hair on fire and run into a brick wall five times while beating yourself in the face with a teaspoon.
january 2021
Degreeless.design - Everything I Learned in Design School
This is (almost) everything I learned in design school in one website.

You have to be self-sufficient. You have to be hungry to learn.

That's why this website exists. This is a list of everything I've found useful in my journey of learning design, and an ongoing list of things I think you should read. This is for budding UX, UI, Interaction, or whatever other title designers.
january 2021
Don’t Press Snooze: Design in a Crisis - Branch
There’s also a framing problem in design: every question starts with the assumption of a ‘thing’. The thing and the need for a thing is never really questioned because that would mean a deeper exercise in self-reflection. After all, without the thing, there is no project, no client, no budget and no designer. So once all those things have been put in place, I would argue it’s already too late. Whatever design work should have happened was in convincing the client not to make a thing at all.

Culture change happens when you do things differently—at the very edge of what is monetizable. It’s not about startups either. It’s about ideas and making sure those ideas have impact, and exist in the world long enough for habits to change, for culture to change and then (and only then) for markets and economies to change.
design  climate 
january 2021
How to Cultivate Curiosity That Creates a Fuller Life – Motivated Mastery
**Diversive curiosity** is the attraction to the new and the next.

When diversive curiosity turns into a quest for knowledge and a desire to understand, it evolves into **epistemic curiosity**.

**Empathic curiosity** This curiosity makes us wonder about the thoughts and feelings of other people.
january 2021
About — Melike Turgut
Hello, I’m Melike. I’m a Design Lead at (Squarespace), Adjunct Instructor at (SVA), an avid cyclist leading efforts of (Handlebra), Laser sailor at (Sebago), and a JOY TO BE AROUND.

(Good design, fun interactions, good sense of humor)
web-design  inspiration 
january 2021
Drawing is the best videogame by Jeffrey Alan Scudder – The Creative Independent
What I love about drawing is its programmability, tight feedback loop, and resourceful use of energy.
january 2021
An Internet of Things - Journal #31 January 2012 - e-flux
The projects of Cedric Price and Christopher Alexander are on the threshold of designing an architecture that has become information.
january 2021
A sort of millennial manifest destiny, the growth of the internet is widely considered good evolution for humanity. But if the internet is expanding, something else must be contracting because of that expansion.
january 2021
Don’t Be Evil: Fred Turner on Utopias, Frontiers, and Brogrammers
When you take away bureaucracy and hierarchy and politics, you take away the ability to negotiate the distribution of resources on explicit terms. And you replace it with charisma, with cool, with shared but unspoken perceptions of power. You replace it with the cultural forces that guide our behavior in the absence of rules.
tech  politics 
january 2021
Components AI — A new way to explore generative design systems
Experimental computational design platform for exploring generative space. Generate components and code snippets.
web-design  digital-toolbox 
january 2021
Resources - Open Source Design
This is a showcase of the many websites and platforms where you can find openly licensed icons, fonts, image, tools and other resources. You can use them for any purpose, also commercial (some works have specific licenses, so always make sure it’s fine to use).
design  digital-toolbox 
january 2021
Pilgrim is something like a combination of a bookmarklet and web-crawler. It provides a better experience for consuming long-form text and exploring related materials on the web. As you go deeper into supplemental material, your path is maintained, giving one a better sense of where the relevant information flows.

Pilgrim is an open source project by Are.na initiated with generous support from the Knight Foundation Prototype Fund
pkm  digital-toolbox 
january 2021
Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours
A recreation of the original 1821 color guidebook with new cross references, photographic examples, and posters designed by Nicholas Rougeux
design  digital-toolbox  colors 
january 2021
Glitch - Create
Glitch is a collaborative programming environment that lives in your browser and deploys code as you type.

Use Glitch to build anything from a good ol’ static webpage to full-stack Node apps.
web-design  digital-toolbox 
january 2021
Laniakea maps the entire landscape of a document set - Wikipedia as default - according to its most meaningful content, enabling
users to quickly grasp and navigate thousands — or even
millions — of documents.
pkm  digital-toolbox  fun-web 
january 2021
Learn Anything
the platform for knowledge discovery that helps you understand any topic through the most efficient paths, as voted by the community.
pkm  digital-toolbox 
january 2021
Svbtle is intentionally designed. The writing experience has been carefully tuned to help you collect and curate ideas, develop them over time into articles, and then publish when you’re ready. $6/month
blogging  digital-toolbox  writing 
january 2021
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architecture art basb blogging books career cat climate colors copywriting courses design digital-gardens digital-minimalism digital-toolbox enneagram expander film fonts fun-web inspiration interiors jobs marketing metaphor mfa minimalism pet pet-sitting photography pitch pkm politics portfolio productivity publications reading-list research resume sailing services shopping slow-web tech to toolkit typeface typography water web-design webiste websites wishlist writing

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